Earning it

Career power-ups

Why I took a sh*t job to escape a really sh*t job

Why I took a sh*t job to escape a really sh*t job
Members Public

I applied to every job in my nearby area and even attended 5 interviews in one day.

Alice Tapper
Earning it
Good Life Guide: Do I need income protection?/ Your 4 financial wing women

Good Life Guide: Do I need income protection?/ Your 4 financial wing women
Members Public

there for the financial equivalent of holding your hair back or rescuing you from an annoying guy at the bar…

Alice Tapper
Earning it

5 Options for When You're Asked About Your Salary
Members Public

The Fawcett Society has said that asking about previous pay when hiring is keeping the gender pay gap alive. GASP

Alice Tapper
Earning it
Why and how you should talk to your colleagues about your salary

Why and how you should talk to your colleagues about your salary
Members Public

Because if Greg the grad is earning more than you, we can do something about it

Alice Tapper
Earning it