Financial Confessions

Stories, dilemmas and personal opinions from the GFY community

I’m 23 and feel guilty about having 80k in savings

I’m 23 and feel guilty about having 80k in savings
Members Public

Can you tell me a bit about your life growing up? I’m 23, and grew up in a low-to-middle income background. Most of my friends growing up were from substantially richer families, which caused a bit of resentment from me as a teenager - particularly when my parents experienced

Scarlett Worsfold
Financial Confessions
I’m 23 and feel guilty about having 80k in savings

I’m 23 and feel guilty about having 80k in savings
Members Public

Can you tell me a bit about your life growing up? I’m 23, and grew up in a low-to-middle income background. Most of my friends growing up were from substantially richer families, which caused a bit of resentment from me as a teenager - particularly when my parents experienced

Scarlett Worsfold
Financial Confessions
How I went from earning £20k -100k by doing a coding course

How I went from earning £20k -100k by doing a coding course
Members Public

Could you tell me a bit about your career and background? I have a degree in Classics and started my career in the university’s fundraising office: firstly by making the fundraising calls, then managing the call centre. When I graduated I couldn’t get a job in the UK

Scarlett Worsfold
Financial Confessions
How I went from earning £20k -100k by doing a coding course

How I went from earning £20k -100k by doing a coding course
Members Public

Could you tell me a bit about your career and background? I have a degree in Classics and started my career in the university’s fundraising office: firstly by making the fundraising calls, then managing the call centre. When I graduated I couldn’t get a job in the UK

Scarlett Worsfold
Financial Confessions
How I own my own home after being diagnosed with MS

How I own my own home after being diagnosed with MS
Members Public

Can you tell me a bit about you and your life? I am 30 years old, and working as an accountant while living in Northern Ireland. What's your career and earning history? I studied something completely unrelated to my accountancy career at University, and after coming out into

Alice Tapper
Financial Confessions
How I own my own home after being diagnosed with MS

How I own my own home after being diagnosed with MS
Members Public

Can you tell me a bit about you and your life? I am 30 years old, and working as an accountant while living in Northern Ireland. What's your career and earning history? I studied something completely unrelated to my accountancy career at University, and after coming out into

Alice Tapper
Financial Confessions
'How I’ve learnt to love single  & renting life’

'How I’ve learnt to love single & renting life’
Members Public

Can you describe a bit about you and your life in London Fields? I'm a 29 year old single female, working full time in the charity sector and also studying part time in the evenings for an undergraduate degree. I've lived in London since I was

Alice Tapper
Financial Confessions
'How I’ve learnt to love single  & renting life’

'How I’ve learnt to love single & renting life’
Members Public

Can you describe a bit about you and your life in London Fields? I'm a 29 year old single female, working full time in the charity sector and also studying part time in the evenings for an undergraduate degree. I've lived in London since I was

Alice Tapper
Financial Confessions